

The Wonders of Dental Sealants:

A Guardian Shield for Your Child's Teeth

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The Complete Guide to Baby Teething:

Alleviating Discomfort and Fostering Healthy Dental Hygiene.

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A Comprehensive Checklist for Your Child’s Next Dental Visit

Regular dental visits are essential for maintaining optimal oral health & preventing dental problems.

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How to Make Flossing Teeth Fun for Your Child

Surveys have shown that more than 50% of American adults don't floss their teeth at all.

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Common Dental Myths and Misconceptions: Debunked!

Dental health is an essential aspect of overall health and wellness.

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Dental Development Milestones:

What to Expect as Your Child Grows

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Top 5 Questions Kids Ask About Dental Visits

(And How to Wrangle Them) at Duffy Dental Ranch.

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What to Do When a Dental Emergency Happens

We all know that dental issues happen from time to time, but they may be more common than you'd think.

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The Benefits of Whitening GLO

A pediatric dentist who uses whitening GLO can help you ensure that any mouth is safe, healthy, and shining.

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What Does Dental Cleaning Entail?

Fortunately, as far as dental procedures go, dental cleaning is a relatively easy process. Here’s a look at what it involves.

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Dental X-Rays: Are They Safe?

Recent statistics from the CDC reveal that by the time kids reach the age of eight, 52% of them will have a cavity in their primary teeth, or baby teeth.

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How Smiling Affects Mental Health

"Why don't you smile in your pictures?" 16-year-old Connie from Justin, Texas, was asked.

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4 Common Signs of Tooth Decay

Has your child started complaining about a sudden or continuous pain in their tooth?

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Why Do Children Need Pediatric Dentistry?

Even though a child's teeth will be replaced by permanent teeth later in life, dental health is an integral part of their development.

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Pediatric Dentists Have Special Training

To practice pediatric dentistry, most specialists in this field go through an additional two or three years of training after completing their regular dentistry program.

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When You Should Take a Child to the Dentist

According to the American Association of Pediatric Dentistry, child dental health appointments should begin when their first tooth appears.

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Children's Teeth Require Special Care

Whether you're an experienced or first-time parent, you probably have a lot of questions and concerns about your child's dental hygiene routine. At different stages, children's teeth require special care.

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A Pediatric Dentist Helps Develop Good Dental Habits

Whether you're an experienced or first-time parent, you probably have a lot of questions and concerns about your child's dental hygiene routine. At different stages, children's teeth require special care.

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Cavities in Children Are Very Common

20% of children have an untreated decayed tooth.

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Children Are Likely to Suffer Dental Injuries

Most of us were far more adventurous as children than as adults. Even if you enjoy exotic vacations, you're probably hopping fewer fences, not playing as many sports and not climbing as many trees as your eight-year-old self.

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Prevention: A Pediatric Dentist's Main Concern

While pediatric dentistry is well-suited to treat these issues and injuries, its primarily focused on one thing: prevention. As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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Pediatric Dentistry in Justin, Texas

Whether your child is a baby, toddler, adolescent or teen, Duffy Dental Ranch in Justin, Texas, is here to help. From baby's first tooth to orthodontics and beyond, our pediatric dentistry practice shapes radiant smiles and positive attitudes about going to the dentist.

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9 Fun Ways to Get Kids to Brush Their Teeth

Proper dental hygiene is something your child will start learning as soon as they get their first tooth. Unfortunately, many parents struggle to enforce a regular brushing routine.

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When And How to Wean Your Child Off Pacifiers

According to the American Dental Association, pacifiers (and thumb sucking) can affect proper teeth alignment.

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Fluoridated Water

Myths And Facts About Fluoride (And How It Protects Dental Health In Children)

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Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?

How to Treat Sensitive Teeth

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The Anatomy of Teeth

A Close up Look at the Parts of Your Teeth

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